Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Thousand Apologizes

I know, I know. It's been almost three weeks since my last update. This is due to the fact that I've been busy moving all my stuff from my apt. back to my house. Trying to condense a flat into one room is a pain in the butt. However. I'm hoping to finish up cleaning up and stuff by this week. So fear not, randomness will ensue. But for now enjoy this comic from Least I Could Do which pretty much summarizes my feelings for this past week. As a thank you to they guys over at LICD, here's a little plug. It's a great Webcomic, and actually updates regularly with no wait. However be warned there are sometimes more "adult" themes. But overall it's pretty tame, and I recommend it.

Can't read it this small? Click it to enlarge.

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